Sunday, January 23, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011


Having made his international debut, Plomb (aka Francis Goodweather) has emerged on the /. label with one of the most plush and seductive albums of the year. Revolving around soft Jazz guitar, Plomb utilizes a subtle range of sound both traditional and modern gliding from condensed electronic minimalism into low-fi sultriness. With overflowing cascades and whispered chords, Goodweather’s greatest triumph lies in his ability to morph from one mode of operation to another through delicate transitions. The listener experiences one hypnotic note fizzing into another. Plomb is a luscious album, one for late night bedrooms and sun-drenched meadows— lurid and engaging from glistening opening note to memorable close. Guitar. Jazz influenced. Home listening. Bedroom recording. Highly recommended.


Soneto p/ Eloah

desde que passaram-se horas
após o começo do dia
do dia em que te conheci

desde que a cada dia
a cada hora segundos
dias e dias sem fim

desde que muito antes
antes de ti e de mim
desde que nada existia
existia sim o amor pôr ti

desde então agora e depois
sou dois sou um e assim
desde sempre e mais à frente
este amor vai existir

Silvio Prado

Chaotic (T)Remix


1. Digital Megacity [4:15]
2. The Remix Tree [2:47]
3. Ohwurm Chainsaw [4:10]
4. Rapid Progress [1:22]
5. The Yosemite [3:30]
6. Branches [5:30]
7. Images [3:27]
8. A Walk In The Woods [6:25]
9. Trunk Material [2:55]
10. Benboncan Woodpeckers [2:45]
11. 68391 [3:50]
12. Stweets [2:37]

This concept album is part of @Platea's "Project VIII: Tree-Blogging."  You can find the inspirational materials for this album cover here (  You can also find instructions for joining the project at that site.  Feel free to join us, either here (with appropriate famous album covers) or on your own blogs and web sites.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Chorus Line

Queries and Submissions and Forensic Science


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