Cosmic Zombietron, North Hollywood's top-notch gothic-pop ensemble, is ready to relieve you of your oblongata. You'll swear you were out of your mind to buy this album while listening to tracks like, " Dead, Undead, then Dead Again":
Blood red went the engine
then the engine went dead
then the head went southward sailing
sailing graveward -- stars unfed
cerebellum, cerebellum
bread and butter, gut her dead
underneath my car's umbrella
cerebellum, engine's red
Other brain numbing numbers include:
Spinal Fluid Groove at 0:200
Lobotomy with Lobster Sauce
Cortex Vortex
Full Frontal Lobe
Aurgh gurgh arrRRGGHgh
and of course, the title score:
Space Brains for Breakfast
which is pretty much the national anthem of slackers, marijuana addicts and self-proclaimed vampires worldwide.
Make up your own mind about this thalamus-axing musical blood-bath, or at the very least, die trying.
(*Not recommended for children under 12)