Wednesday, December 23, 2009

crunchy heart apple: healer

crunchy heart apple returns with their cruelest album cover image yet: a bird devouring the worm in your heart. Yes, healeris all about the pain of realizing the disease and eradicating it with the help of pigeons, canaries, or any bird you can find at your local pet store. Any bird capable of flight, that is.

Mr. Butterscotch, formely Birdie, will guide you down the path to health with such tunes as "bird bath cleansing," "public fountain freedom," and "naked joy." But don't forget "high up in the clouds" and "birds can help you."

And these tunes are just helf the album. The other half is your "flight to freedom" where you will learn your cleansing "coo." So, chirp along.

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